March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Feeding Tube Insertion (PEG) in Oklahoma

What is feeding tube insertion (PEG)?

Feeding tube insertion, or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), is a treatment where a tube is introduced into one’s stomach. The tube provides a means for fluids, nutrition, and medication to enter immediately into the stomach without passing through the mouth or esophagus. This treatment could be used if a patient has difficulty with swallowing or another obstacle with the consuming nutrition orally. If you or a family member have any questions or concerns about feeding tube insertion in Tulsa, OK, it is important to consult with a GI specialist. Please request a consultation at an Adult Gastroenterology Associates location to find out more about this care option.

Who are the candidates for feeding tube insertion?

Feeding tube insertion is commonly used for people who are not able to consume adequate nutrition by mouth, such as people who have difficulty swallowing. In some cases, an individual could only need a feeding tube for short time, while others will use a feeding tube for the duration of their life. The length of time a feeding tube is used depends on the cause of the condition. The tube will need to be replaced regularly to prevent clogging or deterioration. Depending on why the feeding tube was needed in the first place, a person may or may not be released to consume food or liquids orally. If the tube is needed because you are having difficulty swallowing due to the aftermath of a stroke, then you will likely receive parameters placed regarding your oral intake. It is important to discuss this with your Adult Gastroenterology Associates GI provider.

Is PEG safe?

PEG is a commonly performed procedure, but, as is the case with any medical procedure, could have some risks. Some of the risks possible during a feeding tube insertion could include pain surrounding the tube’s entry point, dislodgement of the feeding tube, as well as bleeding. Your Tulsa, OK GI provider will discuss all potential risks and address any of your questions during your consultation.

Feeding tube insertion by a GI specialist

Feeding tube insertion helps to facilitate nutrients into the body if consuming food orally is not possible. If you need a feeding tube, you can inquire with an experienced gastrointestinal provider at your nearest Adult Gastroenterology Associates location. As a physician-led team of GI specialists, Adult Gastroenterology Associates strives to give patient-centric care that goes beyond expectations. Contact one of our Tulsa, OK locations if you have additional questions regarding feeding tube insertion or any other GI tract procedures.

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