Are You A Good Candidate for the TIF® Procedure to Treat GERD?


If you or a family member has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you are likely aware that this digestive condition can be uncomfortable and sometimes make day-to-day living challenging. However, you don’t have to continue enduring recurring acid reflux. At Adult Gastroenterology Associates, it is possible to minimize the symptoms of GERD with transoral incisionless fundoplication, commonly called the TIF procedure. To learn more about whether this GERD treatment method might help alleviate your acid reflux symptoms or to connect with a provider who performs the TIF procedure in Tulsa, OK, request a consultation with our team as soon as possible.

What exactly is gastroesophageal reflux disease?

You may be affected by gastroesophageal reflux disease if you notice incidences of mild to moderate acid reflux several times a week or severe acid reflux a few times a week. Although the disease commonly develops in adults aged 40 or older, you could possibly develop GERD if you:

  • Eat large meals late at night
  • Regularly eat spicy foods
  • Have a hiatal hernia or scleroderma
  • Have excess body fat
  • Drink coffee
  • Are pregnant
  • Use tobacco or alcohol
  • Lay down right after eating

Though you can try to avoid consuming foods and other known triggers to minimize the symptoms of GERD, medical care may be the ideal option. Our team is pleased to provide the TIF procedure in Tulsa, OK as an option for treating chronic cases of acid reflux.

How does transoral incisionless fundoplication work?

Transoral incisionless fundoplication is a minimally invasive endoscopic option provided to treat patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. It targets the lining of the upper stomach and esophagus to enhance the function of the esophageal valve.

As an innovative option, the TIF procedure is repeatedly sought out and deemed an appealing option because it involves no incisions or metal implants, and the healing period is relatively quick. It is also regarded as a safe option that can help patients who have been unable to find acid reflux relief receive the treatment they require.

Is transoral incisionless fundoplication right for you?

In the event you think transoral incisionless fundoplication might be the ideal option for your health, we invite you to request an appointment at an Adult Gastroenterology Associates location near you. Our skilled gastroenterology specialist can help you decide if this solution is suitable for your GI concerns.

Throughout your one-on-one consultation, our Tulsa, OK TIF specialists will discuss your symptoms and health history to ascertain if this is the appropriate treatment for you. You might also need to have additional testing to measure your candidacy for the TIF procedure. Such tests could include endoscopy, esophageal acid exposure testing, and an esophageal motility study.

You may qualify if you:

  • Have GERD even after modifying your diet and lifestyle
  • Experience acid regurgitation or other symptoms of GERD
  • Have persistent heartburn
  • Desire to avert the side effects of acid reflux medication
  • Do not have a hiatal hernia larger than one inch

Find relief from GERD with a TIF specialist

If you experience long-term acid reflux or GERD, you probably find it difficult to enjoy a life free from discomfort. If alternative methods haven’t helped ease these symptoms, the TIF procedure at Adult Gastroenterology Associates might be the ideal option for you. To get help for GERD or partner with a provider who performs transoral incisionless fundoplication in Tulsa, OK, contact our team today.