Find Out How a Colonoscopy Screening Could Protect Your Life


We do various tasks daily to maintain our health, like eating healthy, brushing our teeth, and working out. But there’s one thing that commonly gets neglected that could truly save our lives — a colonoscopy. This important exam can detect and help stop cancer, inflammatory intestinal issues, and other ailments. At Adult Gastroenterology Associates, we suggest getting a colorectal cancer test every ten years unless recommended otherwise. Our board-certified gastrointestinal (GI) specialists routinely carry out colonoscopies for Tulsa, OK patients.

Why get a colonoscopy procedure?

A colonoscopy is an examination of the large intestine and rectum that is used to identify changes and/or growths (polyps) that could be or turn malignant. During this 30 to 60-minute procedure, a gastrointestinal doctor will insert a tube with a video camera into the colon to search for any signs of colorectal cancer or different concerns. Colonoscopies are frequently advised as a technique to:

  • Discover the reason for intestinal discomfort, bloody stools, chronic constipation or diarrhea, or other issues
  • Screen for polyps (growths that can become cancerous if not treated)
  • Look for evidence of colorectal cancer

At Adult Gastroenterology Associates, we typically recommend that you visit a colonoscopy doctor when you turn 45 and go back every ten years for regular screening procedures. However, depending on your exam findings or if you possess a family history of colon cancer, we may advise that you get screened at an earlier age and more often.

What about a home colon and rectal cancer test?

Many individuals now speculate why a colonoscopy is necessary when there are advances in home screenings. The simple reason is our gastrointestinal specialists can gain a more complete picture of any abnormal or precancerous issues than with a home-based stool specimen screening. While some women and men choose to complete these at-home kits, they should not be a substitute for a colonoscopy.

An at-home test, for example, might not detect any growths that have developed in the large intestine. They may signal particular signs of cancer, but the reality is a colonoscopy can identify indicators of cancer much earlier and more precisely than an at-home kit. Home kits are also not able to detect inflammatory gut issues.

Why are colonoscopies crucial?

A colonoscopy can feel intrusive. But the lifesaving effects of this procedure can far outweigh the several minutes of embarrassment it may produce. It’s essential to stress how necessary these exams can be, especially for individuals who possess a family record of colon and rectal cancer. Many patients with colon and rectal cancer have no symptoms during the early phases and may not even recognize they have the illness.

Reasons you may want to consider making an appointment for a colonoscopy include:

  • This is the most precise colon cancer screening.
  • Contrary to public opinion, the prep phase for a colonoscopy is not too uncomfortable.
  • They are quick and generally comfortable.
  • Though you may feel self-conscious, your GI doctor is not.
  • Simply put, a colonoscopy may save your life.

Furthermore, a colonoscopy can detect considerably more than cancer. It can also confirm inflammatory intestinal diseases, such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, as well as diverticulosis. Like colon and rectal cancer, when identified ahead of time, these diseases can be addressed and additional damage can be avoided.

Set up your colonoscopy in Tulsa, OK today

Although you could feel like there’s no need for a colonoscopy, this test can preserve your life. A colonoscopy can detect early signals of colorectal cancer, and can detect ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, and other illnesses. This simple screening could mean the difference between life and death, as our Tulsa, OK gastrointestinal specialists are skilled at screening for early markers of cancer and issues that may prevent cancer in the coming years. For additional information on colonoscopies at Adult Gastroenterology Associates, please contact our GI offices today.