I Have Symptoms of Celiac Disease. Should I Be Concerned?


Commonly found in everyday grains and foods, such as barley, wheat, rye, noodles, cereal, and bread, gluten can be a recurring part of most people's diet. But if you have celiac disease, taking in foods with gluten could cause serious medical complications. The only recognized remedy for this condition is the removal of gluten from your diet. When you think you may be suffering from celiac disease, we encourage you to seek out a physician at Adult Gastroenterology Associates to manage your digestive health. Providing expert care for patients throughout Tulsa, OK, our gastrointestinal (GI) specialists can diagnose the condition and help you adjust your dietary choices and nutrition.

What is celiac disease?

Categorized as an autoimmune disorder, celiac disease is a condition in which ingesting gluten results in damage to the small intestine. Patients could develop celiac disease at any point in their lives. Researchers estimate that around two million people in the U.S. are suffering from celiac disease and that nearly two-thirds out of the two million with celiac disease are improperly diagnosed or not diagnosed at all. When disregarded, this condition can result in severe health complications.

Symptoms of celiac disease

A person who has celiac disease could notice one or several of the following issues after ingesting gluten:

  • Loose stools
  • Trouble passing stools
  • Decayed tooth enamel
  • Passing out
  • Heartburn
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Skin rashes
  • Pain, prickling, or a loss of sensation in the feet

If you or someone you know are seeing these typical celiac disease signs and symptoms, call our Tulsa, OK center to schedule a consultation with a GI physician. Receiving proper care could help enhance your general and digestive wellness.

Celiac disease screening tests

A GI physician is able to diagnose celiac disease. Your doctor might perform one or both of these gluten sensitivity diagnostic services to help identify or rule out this illness:

  • A tissue transglutaminase (tTG)-IgA test is a blood draw that can be adequate in detecting this illness.
  • An HLA genetic test searches for the HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 genes. While this test won't diagnose celiac disease, the absence of these alleles can factor out the illness.

The next stage of detecting celiac disease is to schedule an upper endoscopy. To perform this test, your gastrointestinal specialist will look at your small intestine for any deterioration by inserting a scope with a camera gently through your mouth. An upper endoscopy is often a simple procedure and is done on an outpatient basis at Adult Gastroenterology Associates.

Treatment for celiac disease

Celiac disease is a chronic condition. But it can be treated by developing a diet centered around gluten-free foods. Following a diet free of gluten can help most patients with celiac disease and may work to soothe symptoms while encouraging the small intestines to heal. Patients who have celiac disease and stick to a gluten-free diet often see improvements in their gastrointestinal health within a few weeks. Isolating gluten from your diet might seem hard in the beginning. However, by seeking the help of a credentialed dietitian and a GI specialist at Adult Gastroenterology Associates, individuals in Tulsa, OK with celiac disease can improve their diet and go on to lead happy lives.

Get in touch with our Tulsa, OK team for help with celiac disease

Celiac disease could affect your health and lifestyle in many ways. But getting professional care can help you manage the condition and improve your digestive wellness for a better quality of life. To hear more information regarding celiac disease and how to treat this GI disorder, please contact Adult Gastroenterology Associates in Tulsa, OK to arrange a consultation.