Learn How the Summer Heat Can Affect Gastrointestinal Health Issues


Beautiful blue skies, sunny weather, BBQs, and days at the pool are all proof that summertime is upon us. However, the summer weather may not be the only thing getting hotter. If you’re noticing GI issues during the summer months, you’re not the only one. We encourage you to request a consultation with a GI specialist at Adult Gastroenterology Associates today to learn how to enhance gut health.

Give yourself the break you deserve this summer with a few tricks and tips on how you can keep your GI problems at bay. Keep reading for more info from our Tulsa, OK GI team.

How does hot weather impact GI issues?

Rising temps often influence the GI tract's resilience and digestive ability. This might include loss of appetite in hot weather, dehydration symptoms, or a heat-related illness (such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion).

Rising temps change the bacterial composition of the GI tract, based on a study conducted by researchers in Zurich, Switzerland. This may clarify why stomach pain and issues become once the temperature rises.

The rise in temps causes our blood flow to pivot in order to regulate our body temps. The GI system is impacted more in these cases. Thus, you may experience GI flare-ups that may cause more stomach pain and diarrhea than normal.

Even if you take preemptive steps to avoid dehydration and other common symptoms related to heat, it’s not guaranteed to completely thwart symptoms. Prolonged symptoms will need to be reviewed by our GI specialists at Adult Gastroenterology Associates. Schedule an appointment with our GI specialists to obtain the relevant care for your GI symptoms.

Tips to improve digestive health

Taking control as the heat rises is a great way to help you focus on time with friends and family. A few key things to focus on when you’re going to be in the sun can include:

  • Avoid consuming milk products: Milk may offer some temporary relief after it’s ingested, but it can also heat the body up. This even includes dairy products such as butter, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Make physical activity a routine: A brisk walk, a quick run, and yoga can help with digestion. Incorporating movement into your daily routine will help with stomach pains and reduce stress.
  • Consider your hydration needs: Get enough water to account for your loss through excess sweat. This includes getting 8 ­­– 10 glasses of water a day.
  • Add probiotics into your diet: Kombucha, yogurt, and even taking a probiotic may be ways to encourage good gut bacteria.

Avoid food poisoning during the summer

During the summer, the probability of food poisoning increases. Prepping food outside can make handling food safely cumbersome since bacteria might multiply at a quicker rate during warmer temperatures.

Being aware of the symptoms of food poisoning will help you take the proper steps for treatment. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Queasy stomach

Don’t let the rising temps impact your health. When you’re expecting a heat wave, safeguard your health by paying attention to the needs of your body. Give your body water, eat foods with a lot of water like watermelon, strawberries, peaches, and oranges, and seek out help from our GI doctors in Tulsa, OK when you need help.

Cool down while improving your gut health

Gut health shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying the summer months with your loved ones. Help your intestinal tract stay healthy this summer with support from a digestive health specialist at Adult Gastroenterology Associates. Our awareness and education can be used to point you in the right direction. Don’t put off your exciting summer plans and request an appointment at one of our practice locations in Tulsa, OK.