What Are Common Stomach Diseases and Conditions?


We've all had nausea or bowel issues at some point in life. This may happen after a meal or might arise at some time throughout our day. Regardless, repeated abdominal distress or an urgency in bowel needs might be signs that seeking a Tulsa, OK gastroenterologist is in your best interest. At Adult Gastroenterology Associates, our experienced team of experts is here to help you experience relief from stomach troubles.

Are a lot of people impacted by stomach issues?

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, an estimated 10 – 15% of the U.S. adult population suffers from abdominal pain. Though people may think a minor stomach ache or uneasiness is okay, it is advantageous to learn about the various types of stomach illnesses and diseases, and their associated signs and symptoms, so you can detect potential problems. Our GI experts at Adult Gastroenterology Associates are ready to help you with preventive and complex treatment options that will address your aches and pains.

What are common stomach conditions to be aware of?

An array of digestive diseases can produce similar signs and symptoms. Scheduling a consultation with a gastroenterologist is a crucial step that could keep your GI tract healthy, happy, and well throughout your lifetime. Stomach conditions commonly experienced carry very similar symptoms, which include loose stools, aching or burning discomfort in the stomach area, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, feeling full after eating a small amount, and bloating. If you have suffered ongoing discomfort, stomach issues that you're unable to alleviate, or an aching or burning sensation, it is imperative to seek treatment for stomach issues in Tulsa, OK to safeguard your health and wellness. Common stomach diseases are:

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Stomach (gastric) cancer
  • Gastroparesis
  • Non-ulcer dyspepsia
  • Gastritis
  • Peptic ulcers

Reserve a visit with the physicians at Adult Gastroenterology Associates to get proper treatment for stomach concerns so that you can improve your quality of life.

When should I see a GI doctor for stomach issues?

Should non-prescription medicines no longer relieve your symptoms, and you have ongoing discomfort or constant bowel movements that are not normal, we urge you to meet with a gastrointestinal doctor. These experts are trained to help patients return to normal function and health, from the esophagus to the stomach, pancreas, liver, and colon. Their extensive experience enables them to manage and treat a wide variety of stomach diseases, including, peptic ulcers, gastritis, and more.

While treatment options for stomach issues and conditions might differ, they typically start with a review of your symptoms and go from that there, based on your needs. Meeting with our caring doctors is the first step to enjoying relief from stomach discomfort.

Get care for stomach conditions in Tulsa, OK

At Adult Gastroenterology Associates, our team of GI doctors is passionate about providing treatment to boost your health. Should you find yourself dealing with frequent stomach discomfort, frequent bathroom visits, or you require more involved care for gastric cancer, our gastroenterologists in Tulsa, OK possess the experience and skills that will help you along your journey. You shouldn’t have to feel worried about stomach discomfort or issues on a frequent basis. Please don't delay. Schedule a visit with our team so that you may receive the treatment you need for improved function and comfort.